Thursday, November 24, 2016

सहरनामा", An Abstract of a City - Short stories of a city called, Ahmadabad.

"ढूंढता रहता हूं ऐ ‘इकबाल’ अपने आप को,
आप ही गोया मुसाफिर, आप ही मंजिल हूं मैं ।"

"I loved the city.We were anonymous, and even then I had the sense that cities were yielding; that they moved over and made room.

I loved the spread of the lonely night. Loved how the dim faint yellow bulb, waiting for a shape to walk in, sometime, and bring a fresh array of noise. 

I could never imagine how much I loved noises, until the silent lips of the unknown man, looking out for words. Words he wanted to utter but no one to hear..."

- Night Walk in the old city of Ahmadabad with Cine Prime Lens DS 50mm, 1.5T. 

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