Saturday, December 3, 2016

Short story of a City - Ahmadabad

याद पिया की आये ।

"याद पिया की आये
यह दुःख सहा ना जाये- हाये राम

बाली उमरिया सूनी रे सजरिया
जोबन बीतो जाये- हाये राम

बैरी कोयलिया कूक सुनावे 
मुझ बिरहन का जियरा जलावे 
हाँ पी बिन रैन जगाये – हाये राम"

Oh memories of my beloved haunt me!
Alas, I cannot bear this grief!

I am yet young but my bed is forlorn ;
my youth is passing by – Alas!

The cuckoo, my enemy, coos his song.
Bereft of my beloved, my heart burns.
Yes – I am kept awake all night without my beloved!


This is a Thumri but in essence, it is a lament.The song is set to the Hindustani raag Bhinna Shadaj.

Written by the great Maestro Bade Ghulam Ali Khan on the death of his wife who passed in 1932, it has certainly stood the test of time! This is in the Punjabi Thumri style, which is faster paced and sounds generally ‘lighter’ than traditional Thumris.

Translated with a bit of artistic license, he says ‘Oh memories of my beloved haunt me! Alas, I cannot bear this grief!’. He was only 30 when his wife died. ‘I am yet young but my bed is forlorn! Alas, my youth is passing by!’.

Was he crying for himself or his wife? A bit of both, I think. ‘Bereft of my wife, my heart burns’ he says.

I have given a faint try for Transliterating this song and used it over here because the image was composed thinking about this great moment and song

(Street Walk in Old City of Ahmadabad with Cine Prime Lens DS 50mm, 1.5T. )

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